Álvaro Calfucoy Gutiérrez, translated by the Editors
The Star of Arauco
That’s the one, the one
you see in your reflection
all of it, yes all of it
is you.
nothing beyond its edges
a shirt a tie a vest
and to the classroom you go.
Sing Don Eusebio’s anthem, my child.
His song is important.
Sing and sing and love
the red of blood. You must
hate the other reds of other blood
foreign to this lonely star.
It’s okay.
Anyway, you of this lineage,
tell me of chicha and chueca and guenechén
of Lautaro and military strategy
tell me that it’s all welcome
in the generous borders
of the Chilean state.
Tiki tiki ti
I’ll bring you some bread
Tralka tralka tra
and shoot you in the head.