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“Decline.” Collage by Nick Sugiyama.
Volume 2
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Andrés Belalba Barreto
Angela Acosta
Así es el Día de los Muertos en Ohio
The Monster That Inhabits History
Asheley Nova Navarro
Familia de cuatro
translated from the Korean Hanmun by Ian Haight
and T’ae-yong Hŏ
Translator’s Note
Excerpts from Homage to Green Tea
Cristalina Parra
translated from the Spanish by Julián David Bañuelos
Translator’s Note
Gen Z
Guggenheim in New York
Cristina Bravo Montecinos
[La maleza tiene nuevos brotes]
[Quisieras recuperar el grito de las aves]
[Desarmar una familia]
David Nash
From Flights
The Plastic Bag Full of Plastic Bags Under the Sink
Douglas Cole
Marveling at the Thought That I Do Not Yet Exist
Euclides Molina
Frederick Pollack
But Your Chains
Gábor Gyukics
in the swimming pool
deep sea calm at low tide
deep sea calm at high tide
Georgina Ramírez
Bajo el mismo cielo
Larga distancia
El vals de la muerte
Ileana Negrea
translated from the Romanian by Roxana Cazan
Translator’s Note
I Am Săpoca
Perfect Recall
If Moses Were a Girl
What You Have Down There
Ítalo Berríos
Montamos un viejo Ford del 68
La casa derrumbada
Jean D’Amérique
translated from the French by Conor Bracken
Translator’s Note
front matter
high on wrath
worth the price
transition to the final act
Josh Luckenbach
While on a Trip to Amherst
The World That We Were Children In
Laurinda Lind
Field of Rocks
Lourdes Tutaine-Garcia
translated into the Spanish by the poet
Postcard from Havana
Marcia Arrieta
sacred music
Marco Katz Montiel
Margarita Serafimova
written in English and Bulgarian
Author’s Note
The Past
The Golden Heart
You Amongst Rhinoceri
The Great Union
A Stand of Palm Trees
Mario Obrero
translated from the Spanish by Katherine M. Hedeen
and Víctor Rodríguez Núñez
Translator’s Note
The Hairdressing
His Ancestors
Translation II
Labor Day
Marta Villar Ametller
[Santiago, como yo, se acuesta tarde]
[descubro las vigas de los huesos]
[a vegades]
[s’espolsa els ocells]
[háblame de ti y no pares]
Maud Lavin
Ladybug: A Love Poem with Sliced Fruit
and Cocoa Powder
Mauricio Torres Paredes
[De repente desperté]
[Se pararon frente a mí la Pera Loca]
[Haz que parezca como si hubiese sido]
Micaela Paredes Barraza
Elegía no nacida
Atalanta se sienta a meditar
Mukut Borpujari
Narendra Kumar Bhoi
translated from the Odia by Pitambar Naik
Translator’s Note
The Chandala Narrative
Ninfa María
Qué fácil escribir en la angustia
Si yo te invitara a mirar nubes ¿vendrías?
Hechizo exquisito para salir del trance
Paul Hlava Ceballos
Kingdom of the Americas Sonnets
Atahualpa, the Last King
Huáscar Speaks to Atahualpa, the Brother Who
Drowned Him
Rahua Ocllo, Queen and Mother
Túpac Huallpa, the Puppet King
Túpac Huallpa
The Lake Speaks
Paula Urdaneta
Día #30
Día #108
Día #122
Prosper C. Ìféányí
Hallelujah: Cantos (I)
Pukem Inayao
traducido del tse süngun por la poeta
[Kiñe antü ñi piwke txepey]
[Akulu Cau Cau mapu mo]
[Meli mapunche malgen tañi nütram]
[El estero que me vio crecer no pudo crecer
[Kiñe pewma mo, kimniepan tañi kuyfi süngun]
Ren Pike
Objective Questions
Fitting Room
Sam Moe
Will I Still Love Manhattan Tomorrow
Love Apples
S.J. Pearce
I. Written While Translating Lorca’s
“Juan Ramón Jiménez”
II. Written While Translating Jack Spicer’s “Alba”
Satya Dash
The Transformation of Longing
Lightning Conductor
YE Hui
translated from the Chinese by Dong LI
Translator’s Note
The Prophecy
The Obscurity
The High-Speed Train
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