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Founded by two immigrants in Chile, Copihue Poetry is a literary magazine named for the national flower of our chosen home. We seek to publish exciting new work that moves beyond the imaginary borders of language, state, and culture. As a multilingual journal, we present poetry written in English, poetry written in Spanish, and poetry translated into English alongside the original language.  

It is our goal to highlight a mixture of poets and translators, both emerging and established. We are especially interested in writers who have been underrecognized or previously unrecognized in English translation, as well as writers of identities historically marginalized by the literary world.

Check out our submissions page for guidelines and open reading periods.   


“Lapageria rosea.” Lithograph by Charles Morren.


Poetry and Translation Editor

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David M. Brunson (he/him) has an MFA in Poetry and Literary Translation from the University of Arkansas. His poems and translations have been published in Copper Nickel, Mānoa: A Pacific Journal of International Writing, ANMLY, DIAGRAM, Waxwing, Booth, The Bitter Oleander, Poetry Online, Nashville Review, La Parada Poética, Asymptote, Washington Square Review, The Journal of Italian Translation, and elsewhere. His translation work will be included in Deep Vellum's inaugural Best Literary Translations anthology. He is the editor and translator of A Scar Where Goodbyes Are Written: An Anthology of Venezuelan Poets in Chile, (LSU Press, 2023). He has been nominated for Best of the Net and the Pushcart Prize, and has been a semifinalist in the Cutbank, Iron Horse, and Snowbound chapbook contests. He lives in Santiago, Chile, where he works as an English teacher. 

Poesía en español Editor


Ivana Aponte (she/her) earned her Literature degree from the Universidad Católica Andrés Bello in Caracas, Venezuela, and her Masters degree in literature from the University of Chile. Her poems have been published in Orquídeas voces: Muestra de poesía venezolana contemporánea (Fundación Pablo Neruda, 2021), Letralia, La Parada Poética, Pruka, Los Poetas del 5, in the anthologies Me Vibra II Brevísima Antología Arbitraria Panamá Venezuela (LP5 Editora, 2020), Una cicatriz donde se escriben despedidas: Antología de poesía venezolana en Chile (Libros del Amanecer, 2021), A Scar Where Goodbyes Are Written: An Anthology of Venezuelan Poets in Chile (LSU Press, 2023), and elsewhere. Her first poetry collection, Afectos, was published by LP5 Editora in April 2022. Since 2017, she has lived in Santiago, Chile, where she works as a Spanish teacher. 

Assistant Poetry Editor


Peter Mason (he/him) is a Bi+ poet and literary event, program, and development specialist from Rochester, NY living in the Twin Cities area. He earned an MFA from the University of Arkansas, and served as Development Director for the Open Mouth Literary Center. He is a 2022 Ruth Lilly and Dorothy Sargent Rosenberg Poetry Fellowship finalist, a recipient of the inaugural C.D. Wright/Academy of American Poets Prize, and an Artists 360 Grant from the Mid America Arts Alliance.  His work has appeared or is forthcoming in Poetry Magazine, AGNI, Ninth Letter, Booth, Vinyl Poetry & Prose, The Journal, and elsewhere. Currently, he is the Assistant Director of the MFA Program in Creative Writing at the University of Minnesota.

Assistant Poetry Editor and Assistant Poesía en español Editor


Leonora Simonovis is a Venezuelan American poet, editor and professor of Latin American literature and creative writing in Spanish at the University of San Diego. Her debut poetry collection, Study of the Raft, won the 2021 Colorado Prize for Poetry and received Honorable Mention at the 2022 International Latino Book Awards. Her poems consider the intersections of language, identity, and spirituality in connection to the land and to her experience as an exile.  Leonora’s work has appeared in or is forthcoming from DMQ Review, The Hopper, About Place Journal, River Mouth Review, The Rumpus, Diode Poetry Journal, Verse Daily, and others. She has been the recipient of fellowships and residencies from The Poetry Foundation, VONA, Women Who Submit, and Sundress Academy for the Arts. Leonora is the Reviews Editor at Ecotheo Review and the Currents Editor at

Assistant Poetry Editor

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Landon McGee is a poet and teacher, and serves as Design Editor for EcoTheo Review. He received his MFA in poetry from the University of Arkansas and lives in Lawrence, Kansas with his wife, the writer Mackenzie McGee. His poems have appeared in BayouBoulevard, and Belle Point Press’s anthology Mid/South Sonnets.

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